terkadang kalian mikir gak, kalau hidup itu terlalu banyak aturan? actually, the rules are important but, too many rules are boring. agree?
such as, we must study harder we must always pray. i like them. but, i don't like if others intefere too.
sometimes my mother say, "jangan main terus, belajar dong kan dah mau ujian!" yes, i know that. we just need a little of refresing. you agree?
i hope my parents understand a little the meaning of freedom!
I speak so it does not mean I do not need you, but I want a little color in my life.but I'm also glad I could be like now. * So what? : D
BalasHapusbahasa inggrisnya fasih men
BalasHapusiyalah kopas kok! coba suruh ngulang, lupa semua deeh! hahaha